Temporary Hiatus

Well, my dear blogging community, tomorrow I am off to the Seattle area for a family reunion. I'm so excited to go and see my family!!!! I probably won't have internet access, but I'll fill you in after I get back. Try not to miss me too much while I'm gone. Oh, and feel sorry for me, when I wake up at 4 tomorrow in order to catch my 8am flight out of Salt Lake. That's just an ungodly time of day, if you ask me.

New Layout

Well, I've done some remodeling. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet. I definitely like the colours and the design.... but I'm still not sure. But those who know me, know that it takes me awhile to adjust to something new. Once I've adjusted, then I'll never go back. Now it's all just a waiting game.

Man, I'm bizarre.

Lizzy's Farewell

I just got back from Liz's farewell. It was interesting, I've never been to a farewell for a sister missionary before. But I know that she's going to be awesome! She seems so prepared, and has such a deep love for the gospel. She's going to be great in Washington.

Her farewell was quite an adventure, though. I have some excellent stories. First, let me point out that I traveled north with some great guys: Tanner, Darren "D-Money", and Chris. LOVED IT. Those guys are great, and it was really interesting to watch them interact. Oh boys.

Second, we totally stole some family's bench during sacrament meeting. They came in, and stared at us. We didn't move. They relocated to the bench in front of us. For all I know, we upset the equilibrium of the entire ward. Oops. The family, though was super cute. During the meeting, the youngest girl, probably about 2, started crying. Both parents were out with other children, so that left the oldest boy in charge, he was about 15. He picked her up and held her and cuddled her until she stopped. It was FREAKING adorable!! Boys like that melt my heart instantly. Too bad he's so young.

Third, it was so funny, Liz ended up talking for the whole meeting. I mean, from the close of sacrament, to the time when we'd start singing the closing song. Normally not a huge deal, right? Well, her younger brother Lance was supposed to speak after her..... Sacrament meeting went a little long today. But both of them did a great job.

Finally, lunch at Liz's place was so fun. More hang out time with the boys, plus I ran into Tyne! She and I got lots of time to catch up, and hang out (and eat Canadian chocolate). We were hoping to have lots of time with Liz, but we couldn't, since she had so much family there. Oh well. We did get some time though, and I even got a hug out of her!!!! I held on a little too long, just enough to make her squirm, because I know that's what Breanne would have done.

Canada Day

In honour of my country's day of birth (July 1, 1867), I hereby make a list of all the wonderful things about it. (Shush, it's late. I don't care)

1. My family lives there.
2. Universal health care.
3. Aero, Coffee Crisp, Smarties, and Caramilk.
4. Friendly, nice, happy people.
5. The Littlest Hobo.
6. Simple Plan and Sum 41.
7. Kilometers and kilometers of non-populated space.
8. Timmy Ho's.
9. Representation by population government.
10. Saving the environment, saving the seals, saving the polar bears, saving the Americans... oh wait, what was that last one?

Life Updates

1. I still don't have a place to live come fall. I'm phasing in and out of panic.

2. I'm back from my trip home! Yeah, I stayed longer than I thought I would. But there were some family situations that needed my attention. Plus, leaving SoAb is like getting off the crack.

3. I desperately need to clean my room.

4. I'm training for a half marathon!!! I think I might die, but so far it's going pretty good. I've only missed half of my training days :)

5. I'm playing the guitar again, kind of. No, I will not play "Time of your Life".