Well, it's been a week since I've blogged. That's what break does to a person. I should do a blog about how good my Christmas was (it was great, lots of family, lots of presents), or about what I got for Christmas (fluffy slipperse, Beatles Trivial Pursuit, and a new sweater, for starts), or about what I've been up to since (sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping). But I wouldn't want to bore you....
Oh wait.
Here Comes Christmas
For all those who were wondering, yes, I made it home safely, and yes, it's nice to have finals over and done with. I do miss my Provo friends, though. And the slightly warmer Provo weather. But it's all Christmas-y here, and I like being at home.
I don't really have much to say other than that. I've made tons of cookies, and avoided wrapping presents. Our tree looks fantastic. I'm pretty much ready for Christmas. All I need is a glass of egg nog and a bowl of peppermint ice cream.
I don't really have much to say other than that. I've made tons of cookies, and avoided wrapping presents. Our tree looks fantastic. I'm pretty much ready for Christmas. All I need is a glass of egg nog and a bowl of peppermint ice cream.
Of course. I know it's December. And I know it's almost Christmas. But seriously? Did it have to snow today? On the day I have a final from 8-10pm? I don't want to drive home in the snow and cold. or drive TO school. Curses. Good thing I'm a tough Canadian girl. I've driven home in the snow before. I can do it again..... maybe.
Snack Break
Well friends. That's 3 classes down, and 3 more to go. And I'm worried about all of them. I also am really hungry. I wish I had some food. Like mac and cheese. Or a cheeseburger. Or nuggies. I'm not sure what else I want. But food. I want that.
Distractions, Part 1.5
I consider it 1.5 since technically I started this the other day. But it was unofficial.
Here's what I've got today, folks. Emoticons! Well, just one.
Here's what I've got today, folks. Emoticons! Well, just one.
You know you're procrastinating when you read answers to Facebook questions about travel insurance.
Also, be on the lookout for more procrastination tips, techniques, and examples. Tis the season and all that.
I think.....
....I just ate too much. I went nearly all day without eating, so I stuffed myself accordingly when I got home. A huge bowl of spaghetti, a cupcake, and a can of Dr. Pepper later, and I'm exhaused and ready for bed. Too bad I have to study for a midterm, write a 1000 word essay, and post 20 film responses online by tomorrow.
STUNT DOUBLE!!!!! Where's one when I really need one?
For a minute, I thought I was going to have two posts on the same day (not that there's anything wrong with that....), but I realized that it's now past midnight, so I'm good.
I just want to say-----BOO to FEEDBACK FORMS. I like giving feedback, I don't like filling out the same form a bajillionity times.
This is why I can't add my professor on Facebook. I rant about his class there. I also rant about it here. Because I feel a little safer here. Even though there are probably creepers. But that's okay. They don't determine my final grade. I hope.
One last story to go. One.....more..... I can't convince myself to do it. Sorry, E.
Just kidding. I'll go do it now. By then the Dr. P will have worn off and I can SLEEP. Even though I have too many other things to do.
I just want to say-----BOO to FEEDBACK FORMS. I like giving feedback, I don't like filling out the same form a bajillionity times.
This is why I can't add my professor on Facebook. I rant about his class there. I also rant about it here. Because I feel a little safer here. Even though there are probably creepers. But that's okay. They don't determine my final grade. I hope.
One last story to go. One.....more..... I can't convince myself to do it. Sorry, E.
Just kidding. I'll go do it now. By then the Dr. P will have worn off and I can SLEEP. Even though I have too many other things to do.
Fresh Out of Titles
So, I didn't really want to post today. Because then there would be a different post than the last one I posted (with the really awesome poster of The Beatles). I just love how it looks there, with my London background in the.....background....um, hehe...
In other news, the semester is almost over. Yay! Yay? I'm not sure which. It has been a really great semester. I'll be sad to see it go. I've loved my writing class the most. Even though it was TONS of work (sometimes busywork....shhhh). But I got to work with some really fantastic people, and write some fairly fantastic stuff. I know that next semester I get to move on to bigger and better things. But I'm sad to see that class go. I'm also sad to say goodbye to my Monte Python class. Yep, I spent a semester watching silly British men do sillier British things. Be jealous of my major. Finally, I'll be sad to see my extra long weekends go. I've had no Monday or Friday classes, which has been wonderful. Next semester I still have Fridays off, so it's not so bad. And only writing on Mondays, so that's all good.
That was a long paragraph, sorry friends.
Now that the end is near, I have SO MUCH to get done still. It makes me scared just thinking about it. But, it has to get done, right? So I'll just have to stay up late every night getting it done.
I went to the Apple store yesterday (I was on a date :). And they played Beatles music the whole time. I am in love. In fact, I began to wander just so I could stay and listen. Luke is the best for putting up with me.
The rest of the date was good too. We walked around down-town SLC and found a new restaurant to try. Five Star Restaurant should seriously rename themselves. It had Chinese and Thai cuisine. Honestly, the Chinese place at Smith's is so much better. Next, we walked around Temple Square and saw the lights. It was cold, but I loved it. Finally, we went to the mall in search of warm hats. I didn't find any. Neither did Luke. Darn. We still had a great time. Luke's pretty awesome.
In other news, the semester is almost over. Yay! Yay? I'm not sure which. It has been a really great semester. I'll be sad to see it go. I've loved my writing class the most. Even though it was TONS of work (sometimes busywork....shhhh). But I got to work with some really fantastic people, and write some fairly fantastic stuff. I know that next semester I get to move on to bigger and better things. But I'm sad to see that class go. I'm also sad to say goodbye to my Monte Python class. Yep, I spent a semester watching silly British men do sillier British things. Be jealous of my major. Finally, I'll be sad to see my extra long weekends go. I've had no Monday or Friday classes, which has been wonderful. Next semester I still have Fridays off, so it's not so bad. And only writing on Mondays, so that's all good.
That was a long paragraph, sorry friends.
Now that the end is near, I have SO MUCH to get done still. It makes me scared just thinking about it. But, it has to get done, right? So I'll just have to stay up late every night getting it done.
I went to the Apple store yesterday (I was on a date :). And they played Beatles music the whole time. I am in love. In fact, I began to wander just so I could stay and listen. Luke is the best for putting up with me.
The rest of the date was good too. We walked around down-town SLC and found a new restaurant to try. Five Star Restaurant should seriously rename themselves. It had Chinese and Thai cuisine. Honestly, the Chinese place at Smith's is so much better. Next, we walked around Temple Square and saw the lights. It was cold, but I loved it. Finally, we went to the mall in search of warm hats. I didn't find any. Neither did Luke. Darn. We still had a great time. Luke's pretty awesome.
Writer's Drama
I can't do it any more. I don't want to. I'm sick and tired and a bit fed up. I mean, enough is enough! Part of me wants to just end it all......
Down with feedback forms! I love the people in my writing class, and I love their stories. But I am SO TIRED of hashing out their stories over and over and over and over.... It just makes me tired and frustrated, and I feel like I'm more worried about filling in the blanks than I am about giving helpful feedback.
So yeah, I'll be up for a little while. More forms to fill out.
Down with feedback forms! I love the people in my writing class, and I love their stories. But I am SO TIRED of hashing out their stories over and over and over and over.... It just makes me tired and frustrated, and I feel like I'm more worried about filling in the blanks than I am about giving helpful feedback.
So yeah, I'll be up for a little while. More forms to fill out.
Usually I post a secret I found on this website on Sundays, because that's when they update the site. But today I feel like I should share one of my secrets.
But if I share it, I won't be mysterious any more. And I like having things that no one knows about me. So I'll put it like this, and you'll have to decide.
But if I share it, I won't be mysterious any more. And I like having things that no one knows about me. So I'll put it like this, and you'll have to decide.
1. I regret not attending my high school's graduation after-party.
2. I haven't watched most of the movies I own.
3. I suffer mildly from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Mid-November Musings
Would you all like to know why I haven't written in such a long time? Well fear not, for I shall tell you!
Actually, I had this really long post about things, but then it got erased. And it was good, and I don't really feel like doing it all again. So, here are the highlights!
Work is crazy. I have double the number of papers to grade as usual, so of course it's taking me longer to get them finished. Students don't understand that.
Things with renewing my passport got tricky, but for the most part are worked out now. Hooray!
I'm still trying to find a ride home for Thanksgiving. And I really want to go!!!!!
I got into the screenwriting class that I really wanted to take. Life is so good! Otherwise, how can I emphasize in screenwriting? Oh wait, one class, nope, I couldn't do it. So now, things are better.
The Beatles are available on iTunes now. Weird. Although at $1.29 a song, I'll probably just get albums (the last 3 that I need) from Wal-mart or something. Besides, real Bee-atles fans already have their songs anyway, and don't need iTunes to supply them. Superfans know why I called them Bee-atles.
There are more ups and down in my life. But I don't want to get in to that now. So I won't.
Actually, I had this really long post about things, but then it got erased. And it was good, and I don't really feel like doing it all again. So, here are the highlights!
Work is crazy. I have double the number of papers to grade as usual, so of course it's taking me longer to get them finished. Students don't understand that.
Things with renewing my passport got tricky, but for the most part are worked out now. Hooray!
I'm still trying to find a ride home for Thanksgiving. And I really want to go!!!!!
I got into the screenwriting class that I really wanted to take. Life is so good! Otherwise, how can I emphasize in screenwriting? Oh wait, one class, nope, I couldn't do it. So now, things are better.
The Beatles are available on iTunes now. Weird. Although at $1.29 a song, I'll probably just get albums (the last 3 that I need) from Wal-mart or something. Besides, real Bee-atles fans already have their songs anyway, and don't need iTunes to supply them. Superfans know why I called them Bee-atles.
There are more ups and down in my life. But I don't want to get in to that now. So I won't.
Lest We Forget
In Flanders fields the poppies grow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Oh! You who sleep in Flanders Fields,
Sleep sweet - to rise anew!
We caught the torch you threw
And holding high, we keep the Faith
With All who died.
We cherish, too, the poppy red
That grows on fields where valour led;
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies,
But lends a lustre to the red
Of the flower that blooms above the dead
In Flanders Fields.
And now the Torch and Poppy Red
We wear in honour of our dead.
Fear not that ye have died for naught;
We'll teach the lesson that ye wroght
In Flanders Fields.
The World is Full of Pood Nuggens
Today is a day when everything is the worst. People are beyond ridiculous. Weather is schizophrenic. Either buildings on campus have cranked up the heat to combat the cold or the air conditioning is on from the summer. Everything FAILS. I'm just glad I don't work in a place that requires constant interaction with people. That wouldn't go well today.
Tomorrow I'll give you happy things to read.
Tomorrow I'll give you happy things to read.
Sunday Notes
Things I Learned Today:
I love the gospel of Jesus Christ (not really learned, but I had a good reminder of why I do)
Fall is nearly over.
Apple Tic Tacs are the worst things ever.
Orange Tic Tacs are addictive.
Sometimes life doesn't go the way I think it should, but it still makes me happy.
This summer, I should have played more video games.
I love the gospel of Jesus Christ (not really learned, but I had a good reminder of why I do)
Fall is nearly over.
Apple Tic Tacs are the worst things ever.
Orange Tic Tacs are addictive.
Sometimes life doesn't go the way I think it should, but it still makes me happy.
This summer, I should have played more video games.
The Foreigner
I haven't been very good at posting lately. I have the time, I just feel like I don't have a lot to say. Nothing crazy or out of the ordinary has happened. Oh wait. I rescind that last remark. Here's a good story for you....
Exposition: I am a foreigner. I have a job on campus. Foreign students can only work on campus, and can only work for a maximum of 20 hours a week.
Story: Last week was insane. I had a ton of papers to do, tons of midterms, and life, and a script, and something else. Madness. In all this madness, I accidentally wrote my work hours down wrong, and therefore they were submitted to the payroll secretary wrong, and therefore recorded down wrong. Not a grievous error, right? Easily corrected, you say. Nay.
Since that particular pay period ended the day before I submitted my hours, they were pretty set in stone. I hadn't realized the error of my ways until I received a nasty email from the International office, saying that had to cease and desist, that my visa was in jeopardy, and I was in danger of being deported. Say QUE???? So I checked my submitted hours, and there was my mistake. For some reason, I had included a block of time I'd scheduled a meeting into my work hours. Oops. And that little error had put me over 20 hours for the week. By FOUR MINUTES. Yes friends, nearly deported over 240 seconds. After a few frantic emails and one rather crabby Canadia, all was resolved. No longer any danger of deportation. I could resume work again.
I did lose 3 days of work, though. So that pile of work I have to do? Yeah, it's still not going away. Drat.
Exposition: I am a foreigner. I have a job on campus. Foreign students can only work on campus, and can only work for a maximum of 20 hours a week.
Story: Last week was insane. I had a ton of papers to do, tons of midterms, and life, and a script, and something else. Madness. In all this madness, I accidentally wrote my work hours down wrong, and therefore they were submitted to the payroll secretary wrong, and therefore recorded down wrong. Not a grievous error, right? Easily corrected, you say. Nay.
Since that particular pay period ended the day before I submitted my hours, they were pretty set in stone. I hadn't realized the error of my ways until I received a nasty email from the International office, saying that had to cease and desist, that my visa was in jeopardy, and I was in danger of being deported. Say QUE???? So I checked my submitted hours, and there was my mistake. For some reason, I had included a block of time I'd scheduled a meeting into my work hours. Oops. And that little error had put me over 20 hours for the week. By FOUR MINUTES. Yes friends, nearly deported over 240 seconds. After a few frantic emails and one rather crabby Canadia, all was resolved. No longer any danger of deportation. I could resume work again.
I did lose 3 days of work, though. So that pile of work I have to do? Yeah, it's still not going away. Drat.
This week will be brutal. Lots of assignments to get done. Lots of work hours to put in. I'm trying to psych myself up for it.
I feel like I should have posted something interesting. I apologize for being the most boring blogger ever. I don't have any funny work stories, or cute kids, or even a cat who sleeps in sinks to post about.
I feel like I should have posted something interesting. I apologize for being the most boring blogger ever. I don't have any funny work stories, or cute kids, or even a cat who sleeps in sinks to post about.
Dear friends, please take a moment to look at THIS. If you happen to be from Missouri, or know someone who his, please forward the links.
Puppy mills are horrible. Dogs are forced to have several litters a year, they are often kept in cages, aren't allowed to run or even be outside. They aren't given adequate vetrinary care, and are overall treated just horribly.
Get involved. Missiouians, vote on Prop B. If you aren't, check into your state's rules on puppy mills. If they don't have any, write your congressmen and take a stand on this.
**tugtugtug** That's me, tugging at your heartstrings. Did it work? Are you voting? Are you writing?
Puppy mills are horrible. Dogs are forced to have several litters a year, they are often kept in cages, aren't allowed to run or even be outside. They aren't given adequate vetrinary care, and are overall treated just horribly.
Get involved. Missiouians, vote on Prop B. If you aren't, check into your state's rules on puppy mills. If they don't have any, write your congressmen and take a stand on this.
**tugtugtug** That's me, tugging at your heartstrings. Did it work? Are you voting? Are you writing?
Thoughts on a Rainy Day
Today would be perfect if I was watching the rain from my flat in London, and eating chocolate coated biscuits.
I read a lot of blogs. I hope that the people are just as awesome in real life as I imagine them to be.
If the husband is in school, and you have a baby, should the mother be working in order to afford that Kindle?
Cupcakes are delicious.
I bought hazelnut creamer for my hot chocolate. I should use that.
Perhaps I should write more about what's going on in my life.
What's Going on in My Life
School is well. I'm behind in my writing class. I took a physical science midterm and did really well. I have another midterm next week that I'm worried about.
Luke and I went on a group date last night. We made banana boats and watched Signs. I forgot how much I enjoy a Shamalan movie. Then the four of us went and got smoothies at McDonald's. You may scoff, but they are most delicious. Luke is my favourite date.
Luke and I also ate at a new resteraunt in town, @12. It's a Chinese place, which you wouldn't guess from the name. But it's really delicious. They have tangerene chicken, which is a nice change from all the orange chicken options here in the Valley.
I wanted to run in the Halloween 5K race, but I haven't trained at all. So that might not happen.
Lately I've been eating too much candy. Like Runts. Why must they be so delicious?
Is anyone still reading?
I read a lot of blogs. I hope that the people are just as awesome in real life as I imagine them to be.
If the husband is in school, and you have a baby, should the mother be working in order to afford that Kindle?
Cupcakes are delicious.
I bought hazelnut creamer for my hot chocolate. I should use that.
Perhaps I should write more about what's going on in my life.
What's Going on in My Life
School is well. I'm behind in my writing class. I took a physical science midterm and did really well. I have another midterm next week that I'm worried about.
Luke and I went on a group date last night. We made banana boats and watched Signs. I forgot how much I enjoy a Shamalan movie. Then the four of us went and got smoothies at McDonald's. You may scoff, but they are most delicious. Luke is my favourite date.
Luke and I also ate at a new resteraunt in town, @12. It's a Chinese place, which you wouldn't guess from the name. But it's really delicious. They have tangerene chicken, which is a nice change from all the orange chicken options here in the Valley.
I wanted to run in the Halloween 5K race, but I haven't trained at all. So that might not happen.
Lately I've been eating too much candy. Like Runts. Why must they be so delicious?
Is anyone still reading?
Hello readership.
Have I ever shared with you how much I love being a writer? I love being inspired. I love the thoughts, ideas, and impressions I have when just doing anything. I love how a scene will just pop into my head. and I love that anything can inspire me. My inspiration comes from so many places.
Like, for instance, I saw this guy who was skateboarding, and had his dog with him. I loved that, and he's now one of my many characters. Certain patterns on scrapbooking paper can make me feel a certain way, or give me a mood to work off of. Whenever I listen to a song, I imagine a music video that goes along with it. I get ideas in the shower all the time. I think about things as I drive to work. I look at pictures I've taken. I have pictures, quotes, and all sorts of mementos around my writing space.
I love being inspired.
A Timely Message
On top of everything collapsing on me today, I got junk mail. Luckily, it did not eat my computer. Instead, it warned me of a recall on.......
Hip replacements.
As in, when you're old, and they give you a titanium hip or something. Yeah.
I am not old, you know. At least, not hip replacement old.
Hip replacements.
As in, when you're old, and they give you a titanium hip or something. Yeah.
I am not old, you know. At least, not hip replacement old.
Dearest Readers,
I haven't done a real post in a long time, it seems. I've posted pictures and videos, lists, but nothing that's really going on with me. So, without further ado, here is what I've been up to.
A week ago, I got sick. I thought it would just be a little cold, no big deal. Turns out it was a BIG cold. It knocked me out for a few days. I'm starting to feel better now, though, which makes me very happy. Because of this cold, however, I am now behind in my classes. Taking a few days off will do that to you. Now I'm just struggling to catch up, which is great, because I have a physical science midterm next week, and a film history midterm the week after. Neither of which I'm really ready for.
School is going well, despite the fact that I'm behind. I still love my writing class, but I'm complaining about it a lot more. There's a lot of work, and sometimes, I don't want to do it. Most times, let's be honest. But I'm trying to get it done. And by trying, I mean, I'm doing the crossword puzzle. Which I just finished. The New York Times crossword.
In other news, well, that's about it really. I rode my scooter in the rain. Not so bad, really. My visor needs to be equipped with a mini wiper blade, though. And I kinda want to upgrade to a sleek street bike.
I set a goal to drink more water this week. My goal is two water bottles, which are larger than the standard sized water bottle, so I feel good about that. And to have less treats. I'm cutting myself down to one treat a day. So far, I haven't had any treats. So far, I haven't had any food today, so I don't know if that counts.
Well, I really should get back to studying for that midterm. Even though it's boring and I don't want to do it.
Peace, love, and rock'n'roll,
P.S. This post took me two days to write. Because I'm lazy and didn't finish it yesterday.
P.P.S. Staying up late for movies is a good thing. Staying up late for big rig truck driving shows on the history channel, not so good.
I haven't done a real post in a long time, it seems. I've posted pictures and videos, lists, but nothing that's really going on with me. So, without further ado, here is what I've been up to.
A week ago, I got sick. I thought it would just be a little cold, no big deal. Turns out it was a BIG cold. It knocked me out for a few days. I'm starting to feel better now, though, which makes me very happy. Because of this cold, however, I am now behind in my classes. Taking a few days off will do that to you. Now I'm just struggling to catch up, which is great, because I have a physical science midterm next week, and a film history midterm the week after. Neither of which I'm really ready for.
School is going well, despite the fact that I'm behind. I still love my writing class, but I'm complaining about it a lot more. There's a lot of work, and sometimes, I don't want to do it. Most times, let's be honest. But I'm trying to get it done. And by trying, I mean, I'm doing the crossword puzzle. Which I just finished. The New York Times crossword.
In other news, well, that's about it really. I rode my scooter in the rain. Not so bad, really. My visor needs to be equipped with a mini wiper blade, though. And I kinda want to upgrade to a sleek street bike.
I set a goal to drink more water this week. My goal is two water bottles, which are larger than the standard sized water bottle, so I feel good about that. And to have less treats. I'm cutting myself down to one treat a day. So far, I haven't had any treats. So far, I haven't had any food today, so I don't know if that counts.
Well, I really should get back to studying for that midterm. Even though it's boring and I don't want to do it.
Peace, love, and rock'n'roll,
P.S. This post took me two days to write. Because I'm lazy and didn't finish it yesterday.
P.P.S. Staying up late for movies is a good thing. Staying up late for big rig truck driving shows on the history channel, not so good.
Thanksgiving (Two Days Late....)
This year I'm giving thanks for....
- My family
- My friends
- the opportunity to study screen writing at BYU
- my lovely apartment that I'm renting at a lower rate
- my scooter, and the freedom that comes with it.
- the fact that we're actually having a fall this year
- good music
- great classmates and associates and professors
- my job
- my new haircut
and counting....
Pop Quiz
Why does the internet suck in the library?
Why is there an entire website devoted to a funeral home glossary?
Why was it nice this morning, and almost rainy now?
Why do I have to be sick?
At least I'm making progress in my homework.
Also, a Thanksgiving blog is coming later.
The Social Network
So, I've been thinking. I'm thinking of deleting my Facebook account. Why?
1. It wastes time.
2. I got it to keep in touch with college friends, not high school people I barely knew and never talk to, random friends of friends who act hurt if you don't accept their friend requests, and family members who only use it to stalk me, rather than talking to me and developing a relationship.
3. It's no longer just a "social networking" site. The games and apps make it juvenile.
Those are my main reasons for now. But the more I think about it, the more I think that I really don't need it or want it anymore.
1. It wastes time.
2. I got it to keep in touch with college friends, not high school people I barely knew and never talk to, random friends of friends who act hurt if you don't accept their friend requests, and family members who only use it to stalk me, rather than talking to me and developing a relationship.
3. It's no longer just a "social networking" site. The games and apps make it juvenile.
Those are my main reasons for now. But the more I think about it, the more I think that I really don't need it or want it anymore.
Nogle gange har jeg bare lyst til at tale på dansk, okay? Jeg en dag vil lære det for alvor, og være i stand til at tale det.
Jeg vil bare sige ..... jeg er ked af det. Jeg elsker dig så meget.
Du fortjener nogen bedre end mig.
Jeg vil bare sige ..... jeg er ked af det. Jeg elsker dig så meget.
Du fortjener nogen bedre end mig.
Dreams, etc.
The universe conspires against me. That's all there is to it.
I always have dreams of being a perfect student. Dedicating time to my studies, remembering everything, taking beautiful pages of notes. I also dream of being the perfect employee.
I am not these things.
Today I had a dream that I drove my scooter through the UK while on my honeymoon. I was driving the scooter in an effort to hunt down my husband, who had disappeared. It was weird. But I had a London dream, so I'm not complaining.
I had too much food at lunch. Now I am complaining.
Can tomorrow be Saturday too? Maybe then I'll be caught up on things....
Finally, I would like to be living in 1960s London. I say that all the time. It still hasn't come true.
I always have dreams of being a perfect student. Dedicating time to my studies, remembering everything, taking beautiful pages of notes. I also dream of being the perfect employee.
I am not these things.
Today I had a dream that I drove my scooter through the UK while on my honeymoon. I was driving the scooter in an effort to hunt down my husband, who had disappeared. It was weird. But I had a London dream, so I'm not complaining.
I had too much food at lunch. Now I am complaining.
Can tomorrow be Saturday too? Maybe then I'll be caught up on things....
Finally, I would like to be living in 1960s London. I say that all the time. It still hasn't come true.
Slipperly Slopes....
This week started out great. I was on top of things, excited to work on the projects I have coming up, and looking to work hard at my job.
Suddenly, and I have no idea how, I'm behind. Struggling to catch up.
I wish that I didn't need sleep. That takes up too much of my time.
Also, the screensaver on the computer next to me reminds me of what it would be like to be a red blood cell, floating through veins. It makes me nauseous.
Suddenly, and I have no idea how, I'm behind. Struggling to catch up.
I wish that I didn't need sleep. That takes up too much of my time.
Also, the screensaver on the computer next to me reminds me of what it would be like to be a red blood cell, floating through veins. It makes me nauseous.
"I" Statements
I want my homework to be done with.
I want to have my work hours put in.
I want to always have a good internet connection.
I want to move forward with my life.
I want to do something crazy and reckless.
I want to have my work hours put in.
I want to always have a good internet connection.
I want to move forward with my life.
I want to do something crazy and reckless.
Sunday Randoms
Sunday's are always interesting days.
Today it was windy when I was driving my scooter. That made things difficult.
I've spent the last two hours trying to stalk someone. I can't find them. I'm getting frustrated.
All the postsecrets today were inappropriate for me to publish. Plus, none of them applied to me. Perhaps it is a sign that I need to be sending in my own secrets. Or at least making some. Because I do have secrets.
I got my room clean and organized. Then I did laundry, and my bed is covered in clothes.
I'm sleepy. My stalking will have to wait until tomorrow.
Today it was windy when I was driving my scooter. That made things difficult.
I've spent the last two hours trying to stalk someone. I can't find them. I'm getting frustrated.
All the postsecrets today were inappropriate for me to publish. Plus, none of them applied to me. Perhaps it is a sign that I need to be sending in my own secrets. Or at least making some. Because I do have secrets.
I got my room clean and organized. Then I did laundry, and my bed is covered in clothes.
I'm sleepy. My stalking will have to wait until tomorrow.
Today I'm achey. I want to stay in bed. At least until class at 5 tonight. But that can't happen. I must work! Huzzah!
Other news: I keep staying up late and getting up early. Gonna kill me one of these times.
My font keeps changing back to Times New Roman. No offence, but it's like the most boring font EVER. Maybe because I've written like 300 papers or something. All in TNR.
I can't think of anything to wear today. Nothing cute and creative at least. Getting dressed takes a lot of effort, apparently.
The deadline for the Sundance Film Festival is in about 10 days. Which is too bad, because I would have liked to have had something to submit. Maybe next year. Goal: Have something entered in a festival by 2011.
Other news: I keep staying up late and getting up early. Gonna kill me one of these times.
My font keeps changing back to Times New Roman. No offence, but it's like the most boring font EVER. Maybe because I've written like 300 papers or something. All in TNR.
I can't think of anything to wear today. Nothing cute and creative at least. Getting dressed takes a lot of effort, apparently.
The deadline for the Sundance Film Festival is in about 10 days. Which is too bad, because I would have liked to have had something to submit. Maybe next year. Goal: Have something entered in a festival by 2011.
Saturday Morning
Sometimes, I just really lack motivation. I get these great plans to work hard and fill up my to-do list. Then I get lazy. I search for silly things on the internet. I reorganize something that didn't need to be reorganized. I colour, or read.
Today I should put in a few hours of work, clean my desk, make my bed, do laundry, fix my scooter battery, and go grocery shopping. And, I have a date tonight :)
But right now, I just kinda want to go back to bed.
Today I should put in a few hours of work, clean my desk, make my bed, do laundry, fix my scooter battery, and go grocery shopping. And, I have a date tonight :)
But right now, I just kinda want to go back to bed.
You Know You're in the Right Major When...
... you cry during lecture because everything that you're talking about is amazing and the people around have the most beautiful insights.
...you stay up late reading, and it's the homework assignment.
...you look forward to doing homework.
...you can't "just" watch a movie.
...you cry during movies, not because they're sad, but because you see the beauty in the dialogue, the cinematography, and the acting.
...you have a crush on a director's style, not an actor.
...you get chills watching movie trailers.
...you stay up late reading, and it's the homework assignment.
...you look forward to doing homework.
...you can't "just" watch a movie.
...you cry during movies, not because they're sad, but because you see the beauty in the dialogue, the cinematography, and the acting.
...you have a crush on a director's style, not an actor.
...you get chills watching movie trailers.
The End of an Era(s)
I have just found out something majorly important. Several things, really.
1. A few classes for my Women's Studies minor have been dropped. I have one more to do, and then I'm done!
2. I've been having more and more difficulties with my cell phone provider, T-Mobile. So much so, that I'm considering dropping them. Which is too bad, because I like their phones, plans, and reception. But when for the 4th month in a row your payment isn't processed properly, and you get charged three times, it might be time to move on to greener pastures (Virgin Mobile, anyone?)
1. A few classes for my Women's Studies minor have been dropped. I have one more to do, and then I'm done!
2. I've been having more and more difficulties with my cell phone provider, T-Mobile. So much so, that I'm considering dropping them. Which is too bad, because I like their phones, plans, and reception. But when for the 4th month in a row your payment isn't processed properly, and you get charged three times, it might be time to move on to greener pastures (Virgin Mobile, anyone?)
Nearing the End....
I was going to blog about the first day of school, my new apartment, and other random things.
Good night, friends.
Luckily, school technically doesn't start for me. I have no classes on Monday!
Good night, friends.
Luckily, school technically doesn't start for me. I have no classes on Monday!
Hey friends! Guess what????
I bought my first ever pair of skinny jeans today! And I must say, I look fabulous. And, I got a compliment on my necklace, that I made myself. And, my daddy got my scooter insured! So now I have wheels.
I'm very nearly European.
I bought my first ever pair of skinny jeans today! And I must say, I look fabulous. And, I got a compliment on my necklace, that I made myself. And, my daddy got my scooter insured! So now I have wheels.
I'm very nearly European.
I am Upset
In a world of high speed, 3G networks, and being able to send texts via a shakey connection, you'd think that all the glitches would be worked out.
My internet died. And the internet I'm using now has blocked Facebook. And my email.
My internet died. And the internet I'm using now has blocked Facebook. And my email.
Ramblings of Late
Everybody loves a late night post. Right?
I don't have anything to say. I'm tired, but I don't really want to sleep.
I don't want to work in the morning.
And sometimes, I wish that things in my life could be a little different. Not a lot different. Just, I wish that.... oh, I don't know. I wish that there were trials in my life that I didn't have to worry about anymore.
Don't get me wrong. I love my life. But, if things were just a little different, it would make things easier.
Thereby the point of having a trial is decreased.
I don't have anything to say. I'm tired, but I don't really want to sleep.
I don't want to work in the morning.
And sometimes, I wish that things in my life could be a little different. Not a lot different. Just, I wish that.... oh, I don't know. I wish that there were trials in my life that I didn't have to worry about anymore.
Don't get me wrong. I love my life. But, if things were just a little different, it would make things easier.
Thereby the point of having a trial is decreased.
The Thirteenth, a Friday
Because it's Friday the 13th, and it's my blog, I shall post at least thrice. The reason for this post? Apparantly,
I write like...
J. D. Salinger
You know, the dude who wrote The Catcher in the Rye. It's pretty awesome.
And it's been rainy and cold, which makes me feel weird. And mom is gone, and not having her around is weird. And I should eat, but I don't really want to. Wearing braces does that to a person.
Can it be my birthday now?
Dear Friend,
You put me on your list of awesome blogs. I'm up there with the girl who writes the rockstar diaries, who is very cute, and I wish I could be her.
Thank you.
I was beginning to wonder if anyone ever read this madness I call a blog.
You put me on your list of awesome blogs. I'm up there with the girl who writes the rockstar diaries, who is very cute, and I wish I could be her.
Thank you.
I was beginning to wonder if anyone ever read this madness I call a blog.
Birthday Woes
Well, today is the day before my birthday. And today, I have to go to the dentist and get braces. Yep. The day before I turn 22. I am not pleased.
For those who are interested, it's because I have TMJ, a condition that affects the joints that allow your jaw to move. Because of this, my jaw doesn't work the way everyone else's does, and my teeth have moved because of that.
What a nasty hand to be dealt by karma. It's my birthday tomorrow! Gosh!
For those who are interested, it's because I have TMJ, a condition that affects the joints that allow your jaw to move. Because of this, my jaw doesn't work the way everyone else's does, and my teeth have moved because of that.
What a nasty hand to be dealt by karma. It's my birthday tomorrow! Gosh!
Just for the Record,
I have major life plans. Big, important plans. Plans that involve winning an Oscar before I'm thirty, and making a living by my pen.
If you don't think I can accomplish all I set out to do, you have another thing coming.
If you have a better suggestion for my life, I don't want to hear it.
If you're going to exude negativity on my plans, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to cut you out of my life.
I know what I'm doing.
And I love it.
P.S. I love you, madre.
If you don't think I can accomplish all I set out to do, you have another thing coming.
If you have a better suggestion for my life, I don't want to hear it.
If you're going to exude negativity on my plans, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to cut you out of my life.
I know what I'm doing.
And I love it.
P.S. I love you, madre.
Birthday Wish List
Its my birthday at the end of this week. As I'm going to be old (or 22...) I feel that I deserve gifts! If I could, here's what I'd buy for myself.
Story Time: Alfred's Arms
Julia looked out the third story window. A light rain was falling, and it was near twilight. Doctor after doctor had told her that her health was getting too frail, that she shouldn’t venture outdoors anymore after six. The damp air wasn’t good for her lungs. Frankly, she didn’t give two bits about her lungs. Or her health. Alfred had died nearly 6 years ago now, and she missed him more than anything. Life had grown steadily gray since the day he had been laid to rest. Yes, there were still things to make her smile. The ducks who swam in the pond in the park, for one thing. And French pastries for another. But ducks don’t tuck you in to bed, and French pastries can’t sing you love songs.
Julia glanced at the clock. The hands showed it was just past eight thirty. Now would be the perfect time. It was still light enough. Everything would be perfect by the time she got there.
Julia pulled on her heavies shoes. Then her thickest wool coat. She twirled a scarf around her neck, for good measure. She held a small cream envelope in her hand. With a slight hesitation, she laid it on the table in the entryway. Then she stepped out the door.
Halfway from her home, she heard the bells. By the time she got there, the couples would be gone. The lights were on, the bells wouldn't ring for a while. It was a slightly chilly night, so there wouldn’t be much reason for people to linger next to the river. Julia kept walking. The rain had stopped, but the chill of the night began to increase. There, in the distance, stood the tower. She could see it lit up. She walked on, her pace steady.
Julia’s thoughts were filled with memories of Alfred and she walked. Their wedding, their honeymoon, the day Alfred was laid off from his high paying accounting job, the day he began work on the docks and how he always smelled of fish. She thought the last decade, as she had watched him slowly fade away until she had been forced to live without him.
Julia walked through the growing darkness. She could smell the river. She could hear it.
Julia crossed the bridge.
She turned right, and walked down to a park bench. She sat and stared at the houses of parliament. Alfred had proposed here. It was also the last place he wanted to visit before he died. Julia was unable to get him there in time. That had haunted her for the last 6 years.
Julia sat there for exactly half an hour, then she walked to the edge of the walkway, and stared down at the river. She imagined Alfred there with her, holding her, kissing her ear.
“Oh sweetheart. I miss you. Meet me at the end of the light?”
And she took one last step forward, plunging into the water, into Alfred’s arms.
Julia glanced at the clock. The hands showed it was just past eight thirty. Now would be the perfect time. It was still light enough. Everything would be perfect by the time she got there.
Julia pulled on her heavies shoes. Then her thickest wool coat. She twirled a scarf around her neck, for good measure. She held a small cream envelope in her hand. With a slight hesitation, she laid it on the table in the entryway. Then she stepped out the door.
Halfway from her home, she heard the bells. By the time she got there, the couples would be gone. The lights were on, the bells wouldn't ring for a while. It was a slightly chilly night, so there wouldn’t be much reason for people to linger next to the river. Julia kept walking. The rain had stopped, but the chill of the night began to increase. There, in the distance, stood the tower. She could see it lit up. She walked on, her pace steady.
Julia’s thoughts were filled with memories of Alfred and she walked. Their wedding, their honeymoon, the day Alfred was laid off from his high paying accounting job, the day he began work on the docks and how he always smelled of fish. She thought the last decade, as she had watched him slowly fade away until she had been forced to live without him.
Julia walked through the growing darkness. She could smell the river. She could hear it.
Julia crossed the bridge.
She turned right, and walked down to a park bench. She sat and stared at the houses of parliament. Alfred had proposed here. It was also the last place he wanted to visit before he died. Julia was unable to get him there in time. That had haunted her for the last 6 years.
Julia sat there for exactly half an hour, then she walked to the edge of the walkway, and stared down at the river. She imagined Alfred there with her, holding her, kissing her ear.
“Oh sweetheart. I miss you. Meet me at the end of the light?”
And she took one last step forward, plunging into the water, into Alfred’s arms.
Thoughts from my Mind
I feel like I have lots to share. But at the same time, not so much. It's like, there's a lot going on in my head, but my life is staying pretty much the same. But just in case I missed something, here's a list:
*I have a job now! As a janitor..... But I think I get paid today!
*that's about it.
I work, come home, have a nap, and drink a lot of kool-aid. Sometimes I shower because I smell like ammonia. On Wednesdays I go to institute. On Sundays I go to church. I don't do as much writing as I should.
I'm also trying to psych myself up to go back to school.
I need something amusing to share with you all....hold on....
*I have a job now! As a janitor..... But I think I get paid today!
*that's about it.
I work, come home, have a nap, and drink a lot of kool-aid. Sometimes I shower because I smell like ammonia. On Wednesdays I go to institute. On Sundays I go to church. I don't do as much writing as I should.
I'm also trying to psych myself up to go back to school.
I need something amusing to share with you all....hold on....
I just love ducks.
In future posts, I shall share with you all my must have list for back-to-s****l. Nothing like fabulousness to make it a little bit easier to get back to the daily grind and say so long to summer.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm walking a delicate line between this:
and this:
And I like that about me.
One Thousand Words
Because sometimes, the strangest things remind me of you. Like shopping carts and funny hats.
And I like the reminders.
With a Little Help from my Friends...
Ringo, George, Paul and John, that is.
I need to say this. And this is the way I'm going to do it. Because The Beatles have a song for everything.
This is for you, by the way.
I need to say this. And this is the way I'm going to do it. Because The Beatles have a song for everything.
This is for you, by the way.
I have a lot to say, but none of it is happy, and some of it might come across as me being a smiotch, which I try not to be, but sometimes it happens anyway.
So I won't say it.
Instead, I'll think of happy things.
And share this with you:
Things I Like
Roger Ebert's reviews of movies he hated.
The font I use on my blog.
This bridal bouquet:
New Favourite Thing
So, I've already posted today, but this is something that MUST be seen by everyone in the whol' world.
Happiness Abounds
Today, I am happy.
I've been thinking a lot about my Someday House (something I've always thought about, but have written seldom about. Thanks to a good traveling companion for bringing it up in her blog). I've gone so far as to look at real estate websites and find elements of houses that I like. So far, I haven't been able to pick something certain that I like, but I do have some favourites. So far, these are winning:
I've been thinking a lot about my Someday House (something I've always thought about, but have written seldom about. Thanks to a good traveling companion for bringing it up in her blog). I've gone so far as to look at real estate websites and find elements of houses that I like. So far, I haven't been able to pick something certain that I like, but I do have some favourites. So far, these are winning:
(this is my most favourite)
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