Book: The Hours

I read this in just a few days. Despite being a Pulitzer Prize winner, it's not very long. 

My verdict? It's very good. 

It focuses on three women from different eras, and how they all relate to each other though the power of literature. 

I think what I liked best was that it focused on one day, and showed how each woman lived through that day. It felt very real. Nothing show-y or overwritten. No unnecessary drama. It was just simple and clean.  

One of the characters is Virginia Woolf, who I don't know a whole lot about, but who I admire very much. Her story really came alive for me, what her life had been like, what kind of a person she was. 

I would highly recommend this to those who are lovers of drama. Although, note that this is not necessarily a "beach read" (it's not sappy or a romance, typical of "beach reads"). You can read it on the beach if want, though. I won't tell you what to do. 

P.S. I hope it doesn't bother anyone that I don't write my book reviews as a school book report. I use choppy paragraphs and fragmented sentences. I use words that aren't exactly academic. I probably spell words wrong.  But I know that this is just a blog, a space where I also show pictures of funny cats and talk about my new jeans. So you're not really expecting an eloquent piece about what I'm reading. If it does bother you, let me know, and I will write you a 2-3 page paper, with sources, about the book I read. In return, I expect payment in cookies or lip gloss. 

This Week's Media in Lists....

Books from the library: Bossypants (Tina Fey) 
                                           The Hours (Michael Cunningham) 
                                           5th Ave, 5am (Sam Wasson) 

Watched on Netflix:  Arthur 
                                      Monk (and finished the series) 
                                     The Office 

Watched at the movie theatre: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 
                                                       Unicorn City 


A few days ago I bragged that I was the best blogger ever, and I was the most creative, and the prettiest, and all that. Then I put up some pretty pictures and didn't do anything else. 

It is lovely today. I'm outside in just a t-shirt, no sweater (but yes, pants, duh). 

I have writer's group today. I still, still don't have anything new. I'm useless. It's a good thing this isn't my job, or I'd be fired already. 

Oops. I said I'd be writing by 11:30. Writing for writer's group, that is. 

Toodles and tah. I've got a movie review, a TV show review, and a book review coming up. So stay tuned. 

Wedding Pictures

So guess who never really posted wedding pictures. 

That would be me. I fail at this blog thing. Wanna see now? I mean, it was seven months ago, so none of us really look the same, but still... 

And yes. I know that they don't fit so well on the page. But you really need to see them big. They look better that way. 

Top 5: Delicious Things

So I just had a brilliant idea. I have so many ideas on Pinterest, and some are so lovely, that I'll share them here. I've got several boards, so I'll pick my top five from each, and maybe someone somewhere will be inspired. 

I figured I'd start with the first board I've got: Delicious Things.  Basically, here are the top five recipes I want to try, but haven't yet, for one reason or another. 

P.S. Click under each picture to visit the website I found it from.  

1. Deep Dark Chocolate Cookies. I look at this about once a week and think "I should make those". But I never do. Maybe someday. They don't look that hard to make. 

2.  Homemade Cafe Rio. I love eating there, but can't afford to do it every day. Plus, this way, there would be leftovers of monumental proportions! 

3. Roasted Red Pepper Pasta. Looks so delicious, and sounds like fun to make. I just keep forgetting to buy peppers when I go to the store. 

4. Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Pretzel Cookies. I know. It sounds like a lot of ingredients. But for reals, look at how delicious! Also, I think it should be spelled 'pretzle'. Just sayin'. 

5.Blackberry Mint Lemonade. I think it looks really pretty and kind of fancy. And I bet it tastes amazing. So that's why it's on the list. 

So there you have it, my top five delicious things to try.  Agree with the Top 5? Disagree? Have your own 5 to share? 

Movie: One for the Money

Starring: Katherine Heigl,  Jason O'Mara
Directed by: Julie Ann Robinson 

Plot: Newly unemployed Stephanie gets a job working at her cousin's bail bond business. She desprately needs money, so starts off taking the hardest job, bringing in a police officer accused of murder. She's terrible at the job, but through help of family, friends, and Ranger, she gets the guy. 

Okay, was that cheesy enough? Sorry. But the story was a bit cheesy. The girl needs a job, her dodgy cousin gets her one as a bondswoman, she's kind of terrible at it, and her first assignment is bringing in a cop? Who she dated back in high school? Oh and did I mention that this takes place in Jersey, so everyone has really think, awkward accents? 


Overall, it was entertaining. There were comedic relief moments, and some pretty serious moments, which I felt were nicely balanced. I'm not entirely sure what category this would be, because it wasn't a romantic comedy, but I felt like it was too funny to be a drama.  Perhaps a dramedy, if you'll allow it. 

The characters were fairly developed, which was nice.  I did feel like there were a lot of unnecessary characters. Her parents for instance, play a huge role at the start of the film, but are never mentioned again after the first third of the movie. Same with her best friend, who she calls several times at the start, but doesn't mention again later on. 

My favourite part was watching as Stephanie (Heigl) really stepped up and took on her role as bondswoman when things mattered the most.  It was refreshing to watch a female character take things in to her own hands and get them done. 

Overall it was a great little film. I doubt it'll be up for any Oscars next year, but I think it's definitely worth a watch or two. 


It is too late for a new years resolution? Because I'd like to set one now. 

I want to write here more often. I know that very very few people read this, so it's not like writing more or less is going to drastically affect my readership. But I really like having a little place to write that is easy to get to, has all my writing in one place, and is set on a cute background. 

Plus, then people can leave me comments once in a great while, and then my head can swell with pride. 

Also, I still really like the name of my blog. I am amazed at my cleverness. 

In the end, what I'm really saying, is that ideally I'll post every day. At least 4 times a week . So keep a weather eye on the horizon. 

Mission Accomplished, I

Checking over my  Life Goals page (you can check it out on the right, just there, under the picture of me), I realized I actually accomplished something. I got a new phone! 

I got my first phone as I stared my freshman year of college. Since then, I carried that little Nokia brick around for the last 5 years. Sadly, I wore it right out. And now that I'm married, we figured we might as well get on a family plan. 

Now I have a new little phone. It's blue and shiny, with a slide out keyboard (which I really like). Unfortunately, I despise all the ring tones. 

Last Week...

I worked on MarSchelle's capstone

Ignored the dishes in my sink 

Ate nearly a whole bag of Starburst jelly beans by myself

Hung out with my daddy

Enjoyed the spring weather, then watched as winter came back 

Downloaded a bunch of "new" books onto Luke's Kindle 

PSA: French Vocabulary

Just in case anyone was wondering (and I sincerely hope that someone is, because I've seen this happen several times just over the the last few days), it's not 


it's actually...


because it's French and means "there it is" and you pronounce it with a 'v' not a 'w'.  

The more you know. 

Bits and Pieces

Writing is hard. Writing here is hard. I'm not as artistic as I wish I was, or as much as I think I am. 

I used to not like the afternoon. The light always seemed so strange. Now that we have a west facing window, I love sitting on my bed and having the light flood in as I work on things. It feels so cozy. 

And because it's Friday, here's a favourite picture of mine....