Katie and I went to the Women's Expo last weekend. I love a good expo! There were free samples! And swag {Stuff We All Get}. And contests to enter. Turns out I really love chocolate covered cocoa beans.
I had a chiropractor analyse my posture. I guess my posture isn't so great, and now I'm super self conscious about it. If any of you comment negatively about it, I will give you the stink eye. To make myself feel better, I found a booth with free mini-massages. And possibly made me consider spending money on a real massage.
The last few days I've been getting calls from vendors at the expo, telling me I've won a prize. Oh, my excitement! Then I found out that their idea of a prize doesn't match what my idea of a prize is. One lady offered me 50% off one piece of jewelry from her shop. But she had to come to my house so I could claim it. I don't like having strangers in my house to sell things.
On the bright side, I still have lots of coupons, two tubes of lip gloss, a nail file, a few pens, some stickers, and a granola bar. I had some cotton candy, but I ate that already.