A Gloomy Tuesday

I woke up with a bit of a cold today. Then, it was cloudy, a bit windy, and much cooler than it has been {even for October}. Work has slowed down a bit, and there's a pile of laundry to do. Today has been a bit gloomy.

Too bad I'm not living in London. Most days in London are overcast, so it would just be a regular day. I could sit by the window and drink mug after mug of tea and eat Scottish shortbread. I could go out on a walk in one of the many parks and crunch leaves under my feet. Afterwards I could come back to my flat, have a hot bath, and watch the BBC. 

Why does everything, even being cold and sick, seem more glamorous in London? 

{no original source found}

Autumn Playlist

I've seen this list floating around Pinterest, and I thought I'd finally sit down and listen to every song. As a whole, I really like it. It's a folky-hipster collection of songs that play well together. There are a few songs I'm not crazy about, but overall, it's pretty great. 

There are links to each song below, if you don't want to go to the trouble of looking up every song. I tried, as best as I could, to like to the official music videos. 

I marked my favourite ones with asterisks. I'd love to hear which ones you like (or don't), and whether there's any songs you'd add to the list. 

Down in the Valley by The Head and the Heart*

Spanish Saharah by Foals

Winter Winds by Mumford and Sons*

The Only Living Boy in New York by Simon and Garfunkel

Welcome Home by Radical Face*

Here We Go Again by Angus & Julia Stone

The Sound of Settling by Death Cab for Cutie* 

Lost in My Mind by The Head and the Heart 

Changes by David Bowie

Stay Young (Go Dancing) by Death Cab for Cutie*

Amie by Pure Prairie League

Indian Summer by Beat Happening*

Blue Spotted Tails by Fleet Foxes 

Seashell by Seabear 

You Remind Me of Home by Ben Gibbard 

Hotcha Girls by Ugly Casanova 

Cats & Dogs by The Head and the Heart 

If I Was a Baby by Ezra Furman & The Harpoons 

Oliver James by Fleet Foxes 

Sometimes I'm a Writer

Most of the time, I'm not a very good writer. The only time I sit down and write for hours on end is when I have a work deadline coming up and I procrastinated for too long. I should be more disciplined. But I'm not. I am what I am. 

Then, I saw this photo on Pinterest: 

And it reminded me that just because I don't spend all day every slaving away at my writing doesn't mean I'm not a writer. Sometimes it means I'm lazy. But sometimes I spend time writing emails, to-do lists, and notes of things that I don't want to forget. 

Just because I'm not always writing a script doesn't mean that I'm not a writer.