My Fall Reading List

I read a lot of fluffy, fun reads this past summer. And now that fall is going full tilt, I found I've kept on with those fun reads. That is, when I've been doing any reading at all. But fall, for me, always feels like a more serious time, mostly because I associate it with going back to school and learning new things. So I thought I'd give myself a little challenge and pick some more difficult books to work through. 

My only criteria for deciding what books to put on the list were 1: do I actually want to read this possibly challenging book, and 2: will I enjoy it wrapped in a blanket while drinking some peppermint tea? 

Anna Karenena. I've been wanting to read this for a long time. The story sounds interesting, and I love a good dramatic novel. Everyone I've talked to about it has loved it, so I'm really exited to get started. For an added incentive, I promised my friend Jason that I'd read it, so now I have to follow through. 

Anne of Green Gables. I love Anne. I've seen the movie countless times. Last summer I read a biography on L. M. Montgomery's life and where she found inspiration for Green Gables. When I was in grade 4, I started reading the book, but never finished. This fall sounds like the perfect time to curl up and read about Anne, Marilla, Matthew, and everyone else on the island. 

Austenland. It is a true fact that I've never finished a Jane Austen novel. I've started Pride and Prejudice three times. I once almost made it through Sense and Sensibility, but then I had to return the book to the school library. I like Jane Austen a lot, but for whatever reason I have a hard time finishing her books, so this seems like a step in the right direction. I loved the film adaptation, and I'm hoping that the book will be just as good. 

Northhanger Abbey.  Fall seems like the perfect time for a good gothic novel. I don't know why, it's just one of those things. Besides, it looks like it could be a quick read, which should increase my chances of finishing something by Austen.

Yes Please. Amy Poeler is one of those women who I'm going to follow forever. She is funny and smart, and has an advice column for teen girls. If her writing voice is anything like her real voice, this book is going to be fantastic. 

Bird by Bird. My aunt first introduced me to this little book on writing a few years ago. I finally bought a copy and plan on working my way through it slowly. This is a book I don't want to read and be done with. I want to pour over it, making notes in the margins, so I probably won't finish it for a while. 

The more I sit and think about the books I want to start reading, the longer the list gets, so I should probably end the list here. I love getting book suggestions, so please leave your favourite fall books in the comments!