I think that August has been the craziest month we've had in a long, long time. It started out simply enough - we were settling back into a routine after traveling in July, no real plans, just hanging out and enjoying the summer.
Then we got a call. From our landlord. He wants to see the condo we've been living in for the last year and a half. Upsetting, but not the worst possible thing that could happen. We tell him we need 3o days to move from the time it sells. Long story short, it sold in about two weeks. I thought we'd have a couple months. So we had to figure out something fast.
After browsing KSL.com for hours, trying to find something in our area and price range, I still wasn't having any luck. So one Sunday afternoon I decide to drag Luke around the neighbourhood so we can scope out For Rent signs. We found nothing. As we're walking the last block before home, we find a house, but it's for sale. We think about it, we call, and we set up a showing for the next day.
Long story short, we bought a house. And we closed on it in less than a month. And we moved with days to spare.
Right now, the only pictures of the inside of the house that I have are ones I took with the previous tenants stuff. Once we get more settled and set up here, I'll have lots of pictures to share.
Not everything in August was moving-related. I celebrating my birthday {cupcakes at work!}, I filed more paperwork with the gov't for my Green Card, and kept up with things at work, mostly.
As a bonus, my grandpa was in town, and I got to have dinner with him!
And to end on a funny note, here is a picture of Lukas climbing into our attic so he could rewire the house with internet.
Then we got a call. From our landlord. He wants to see the condo we've been living in for the last year and a half. Upsetting, but not the worst possible thing that could happen. We tell him we need 3o days to move from the time it sells. Long story short, it sold in about two weeks. I thought we'd have a couple months. So we had to figure out something fast.
After browsing KSL.com for hours, trying to find something in our area and price range, I still wasn't having any luck. So one Sunday afternoon I decide to drag Luke around the neighbourhood so we can scope out For Rent signs. We found nothing. As we're walking the last block before home, we find a house, but it's for sale. We think about it, we call, and we set up a showing for the next day.
Long story short, we bought a house. And we closed on it in less than a month. And we moved with days to spare.
Our house!!
We moved on the 18th, which meant that we spent our anniversary unpacking. Months ago, I had been thinking we could go on a weekend getaway. Instead, we stayed home and unpacked, and celebrated with a giant ice cream cake.
Right now, the only pictures of the inside of the house that I have are ones I took with the previous tenants stuff. Once we get more settled and set up here, I'll have lots of pictures to share.
Not everything in August was moving-related. I celebrating my birthday {cupcakes at work!}, I filed more paperwork with the gov't for my Green Card, and kept up with things at work, mostly.
As a bonus, my grandpa was in town, and I got to have dinner with him!