January Recap

Since it's already a week into February, I guess I should post my little January recap. 2015 started off with a bang as I finished the holiday season, traveled back to Provo, and then headed off to Las Vegas for a work trip. 

Back in Provo I settled in for a long, cold winter. Surprisingly, the weather has been springlike, and we spent a few afternoons in the park. In January! 

Sunday afternoon in the park with a flying machine for Luke and my new adventure 
pack-sack from Ty and Charlotte.

I've gotten back in the habit of reading, finishing Pretty is what Changes by Jessica Queller, and starting on Yes Please! by Amy Poehler. 

I watched too much Netflix, including finishing Friends, Muppets Most Wanted, and The Hobbit.

Although I put up my new years resolutions just recently, I was making progress on them before that. We spent an evening with some couple friends while we were in Vegas and I hung out with an old friend up near Salt Lake. Luke and I went on small dates each week. My favourite was when we went out for lunch on a Friday. We also went on one big date, to see BYU's musical production of The Count of Monte Cristo

And just for fun, here are a few things that I found fun and interesting: 

I bought this London planner, and I love it!

This list of things to do alone really caught my eye. Because sometimes it's nice to just be by yourself.

I'm not sure this counts, with the non-winter we've been having, but I get grumpy when I'm cold...

via Buzzfeed

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