100 Thoughts and my Melancholy

Well dear friends, this is it. Post 100. And on my last day of senior year. Strange how times goes by. Almost a year ago, I started this blog. Now, 365-ish days later, I find myself at the end of another school year, in a very different place in my life. I won't lie to you and say that I love where I'm at. There are things about me, and about my situation that I don't particularly care for. But that's not to say that I'm not enjoying it. This is the only time in my life where in the morning I can go to class/work and be all adult-like, and at night dress up like a pirate and take over campus. I can have that perfect mix of the adult life, and being carefree. Well, some of the time.

I'm packing up, and getting ready to move home. For the first time since my freshman year, I will be living at home for all four months of summer break. I'm so excited to see my family. But it's going to be an interesting change. I've been living on my own for the past two years. I hope I can adjust to living with people again.

New adventures, new friends to make. I like that idea, and at the same time, I'm scared to let go of what I have. I've survived everything so far, right? I mean, I was able to part with London. If I can do that, I can do anything.

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