NYC: Week 8

Well, I'm officially caught up! Here's what I did last week. 

P.S. Two whole months have already gone by. I almost can't believe it! 

Monday: I went out to Target to go grocery shopping. The whole thing takes about 3 hours, from the time I leave until the time I get back, so this is the only adventure I had today.

Tuesday: More chores today. I cleaned up the house and went out and did the laundry. I guess I'd been letting it pile up because there was a lot to carry all the way to the laundromat. Oops. 

Wednesday: The weather has started to warm up a bit {meaning the temperature is hovering around just below freezing}. So I sort-of went out. I walked down to Starbucks to get some work done. I ended up not staying very long, as it was very busy and distracting. 

Thursday: Today was actually nice, so I went out for a bit of adventure. A branch of the library was putting on an exhibit about The Beatles, so of course I had to go see it. They had some neat memorabilia, but it was a smaller exhibit that I was expecting. There were some costumes on display, and some set lists, which I thought were the coolest things to see. Although I have to say I enjoyed going through the museum in Liverpool a lot more. Afterwards I met up with Luke and we had dinner together. 

Friday: My neighbours got their kids together in the morning, and they invited me to come along too, so I spend the morning chatting and playing. Afterwards I spent some time working, then went into the city to see Luke and have dinner. 

Saturday: Luke didn't have to work today, so we took it easy in the morning, meaning we got a late start to our day. In the late afternoon we went to the Manhattan temple, which was really nice. Afterwards, we walked around and enjoyed the first nice evening we've had. We stopped at a place called Holey Cream to get a snack. Apparently they specialize in fancy doughnuts, but they also have fantastic milkshakes and smoothies.

Sunday: Today was Daylight Savings, and I'm never sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, I hate loosing an hour of sleep. On the other, I love that it gets dark later. 

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